Spiritual Alignment Coach, spiritual parenting coach, spiritual coaching packages, consciousness coach
Spiritual Alignment Coach, spiritual parenting coach, spiritual coaching packages, consciousness coach
Spiritually Aware Living
Align with Your Divine
You are here because you’re feeling that inner pull, the sense that something is missing, and you wish to expand your life, yet no self-empowerment book, temporary yoga or meditation practice, retreat, healer or even religion has worked out for you.
Becoming spiritually aware is the key to changing this.
When you aren’t living in alignment with your true innermost self, you feel frustrated and the chaos of the life you have can feel draining and stagnant.
It can feel a lot like stumbling in the dark, trying to find a flashlight.
But you are meant to feel joy.
You are meant to experience the nourishing feelings of love and inner freedom.
You are meant to feel safe and live a life filled with purpose.
Despite what you’ve experienced up until now, you can tap into a life that flows gracefully.
Nothing outside of you has to change before you can feel all these things.
All that is needed is already within you.
You just need to learn how to access this.

Tapping into ease and flow doesn’t have to be a long-winded, never ending quest, it can be as simple as learning to tune into that nagging feeling which tells you there is so much more to being alive than what you currently know.
Cultivating a spiritual practice isn’t something you have to strive for, often the only thing needed is learning how to set aside some of the noise of everyday life, and to tap into your inner guidance.
You’ve been living up to a list of societal, familial and even cultural expectations your entire life, and it can feel like you are continually failing as you struggle to keep up.
But what if you aren’t meant to fill a mold that was designed by someone else?
Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment Coach, Energy Healer, Conscious parent coach, author and speaker who is passionate about setting you up with the practical tools you need to attune to your own inner connection from the very first session. These will get you flowing with your life, no matter how busy it may be.
You won’t be left feeling like you need anything outside yourself to change in order to feel whole and grounded.
Her time with you will be spent helping you find that sacred wholeness and learning to trust your intuition, so your life path unfolds before you.

Christina’s gifts lie with helping you find your path and your own inner guidance, no matter where you are in your life, especially when nothing that you’ve previously tried has worked.
She’ll help you clear out the heaviness and energetic blocks that are weighing on your heart, healing the pain and shifting the mindset around past challenges and wounds so that you can feel free, safe and renewed with purpose and joy again.
A shift anywhere, will have a powerful ripple effect on all the other areas of your life, as they are all connected. By focusing on the growth your challenges have created in your life, and discovering what your true superpowers are, you can live a life beyond your dreams, filled with purpose, abundance and joy.
Christina will help you know and love yourself, learn to listen to your heart’s calling and create the life you truly want to live.
You are a unique spark of life and have come here for one purpose: to be yourself.
That doesn’t have to be hard.
As you dive deep into the steps of attuning to your inner guidance, and soul desires, you’ll find that life becomes a whole lot easier.
If you are feeling like there has to be more than the daily grind while your head chatters around unworthiness…
If you feel drained from plastering a smile on your face and practicing toxic positivity…
If you are craving a sense of fulfillment, living richly whilst knowing that you are living your purpose and life is unfolding exactly as it is meant to…
Then it’s time to learn how to connect to your inner spirit and live a heart centered life, allowing yourself to show up as everything you came to be.
Christina offers support in a variety of ways, so you can access the help you need no matter your circumstances.
1:1 sessions
Her 1:1 sessions give you the individual support and guidance that can transform your life in a profound way.
Christina works with what you need, be it with a simple energy alignment and healing or a deeper, fuller 90 minute session which gives you practical steps, mindset shifting, accountability as well as an energy healing to align you with all aspects of yourself, in mind, body, heart and spirit.
Book a Free Connection chat to discuss what would work best for you.

The Energy Reset Circle Membership
Meditation, Group Energy Healing and weekly themes support likeminded seekers in this magical membership program.
- Replays,
- workshops,
- community chats,
- course library.
It’s all waiting for you inside at a low cost monthly payment.
Self led programs focused on energy alignment, practical spiritual tools, self development and spiritually aware parenting have been at the heart of Christina’s business since 2017. If you are too busy to meet 1;1 or in a group setting, enroll in an online course so you can learn in the small moments throughout your day and integrate steps that make a huge difference.

Free offerings
Let’s make things simple:
From a podcast, a quiz or a powerful blog, here are some amazing links to get you started in Christina’s world.

Spirituality doesn’t have to be hard, “flaky” or “woo-woo”, rather it’s the process of stepping into a place where you easily create an inner practice that supports you through the day, from your drive to work to the grocery store line up. Living with spiritual awareness taps you into the magical flow of life.
After all, you are a spiritual being, having a physical experience.
Spiritual is what you are.
It’s just integrating it into the everyday that creates the bumps in the road.
But once you find the way to align to your truest self, life completely transforms, and you find things unfold in unexpected, but delightful (magical) ways.