Ever wish you could energetically shift your week to align with the energies of harmony, creativity, and flow before the week even begins?

Welcome to the Energy Reset Circle,

A spiritual community that meets online each Sunday to realign to the heart’s path, and set intentions to start the week off in vibrational alignment.

Our world is currently fraught with powerful shifts and too often overwhelming blasts of energy that can leave us feeling anxious, isolated and unbalanced.

As the world around us gets louder, we deeply need more grounding practices, more connection and clearer intention. 

Our weekly Energy Reset Circle is a space to do just this.

Our magical collective offers a space to unwind and connect with other wonderful souls.

We come together to unburden ourselves from the difficulties of our busy lives and plug back into our Universal power bank. 

Join us weekly at 4pm EST/ 9pm GMT in a Zoom meeting.

A replay will be added to our member portal within 24 hours

There is also an optional Whatsapp group chat to further the support.



During each session, Spiritual Alignment Coach and energy healer Christina Fletcher will take you through:

Spiritual Alignment Coach

A weekly focus focused on the following each month: 

  • Week 1 of the month: An Energy Forecast for the month ahead.
  • Week 2 of the month: A Tool of the month, a simple process to support you each day.
  • Week 3 of the month: A frequency of the month and learning how to use it for energy alignment.
  • Week 4 of the month: A group oracle card pull and reading. 
  • (If there’s a 5th week in the month it will be used for a releasing ceremony. Also seasonal celebrations such as Equinoxes or Solstices will be observed within the group.)
  • Following the topic of the week there is a guided meditation to help you centre, ground and reconnect.
  • We then finish off each session with a  group energy clearing, to release any negative energy you’ve accumulated through the week.

As a member you will also gain access to the membership portal which houses our past session replays as well as inclusion into the group discussion via the Whatsapp chat app.


* Please note, the energy session will be imprinted on the replay and all members of this community will be held within the container, meaning that whenever you choose to watch the session, you will feel the effect.

Sign up below for only $27 a month.

There’s no commitment and you can cancel anytime.


 Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive the link where we will meet each Sunday in your inbox.


The meditations themselves provided me with grounding tools to help break away from whatever was holding me to the past week and shift into the new week. To “unstick” myself so to speak... You allowed me to give myself time for me… without making the excuses that often get in the way.. so thank you.

Christina Fletcher

Christina Fletcher

Christina Fletcher is a spiritual alignment coach, energy healer, author, speaker and meditation teacher, who has been leading group healings and meditations for over 5 years.

Using her training in chakra alignment, energy healing, and mindfulness, as well as her work in practical spirituality, Christina is passionate about offering spiritual focus and an energy reset within all her group experiences.

No matter your background or belief structure, Christina is capable of providing you with a clear path for your unique relationship with the divine.

Create a simple spiritual practice routine, without any pressure to yourself. Rather, join this magical, and centring circle, for accountability, connection and simple tools that will support you through the week.