spiritual parenting coach, spiritual parenting, spiritual connection with kids, spiritual parenting course

Parenting is tough.
A baby arrives and within the first 48 hours you discover your time and attention is no longer your own. Yet, you need to find a a way to get centred so you can be the parent you want to be.
It’s a paradox that takes some healing work, mindset shifts and practical tools so you can feel whole within yourself quickly.
Luckily, the self led course, Co-parenting with the Universe is here to guide you through the steps of self development, learn how to connect to the soul of your child and parent them as Who They Really Are even through the stressful tantrums and growing moments, all within easy to consume video lessons and practical, doable practices that you don’t need to pencil in time for.

Co-Parenting with the Universe is for every spiritually aware parent who needs to feel present in their now, connected to their heart, and whole in themselves, so they can navigate parenting challenges in a spiritually aware, whole hearted way.
This is perfect for you if you:
- Feel disappointed in your parenting and reactions to your child’s behaviour
- Continually find your mother’s words popping out of your mouth
- Are always losing it and can’t calm yourself down
- See your child’s behaviour and feel ashamed
- Feel drained out and like a shell of the person you want to be
- Fight feeling resentful because you’ve sacrificed your life for your children
- Are anxious and afraid that your children will mirror your stress and not turn out how you dreamed they would
- Are scared of harming your children because you can’t get yourself together
- Crave a deeper connection to your heart and spiritual source
- Dream of a house that is filled with love and laughter
- Have read about conscious parenting, but it feels overly intellectual and you can’t get your head wrapped around it.
Get ready to feel relief and freedom as you embark on the next chapter of your journey.
You are a spiritual being having a physical experience, right along with your children.
Parenting is a relationship, not a role, and as such, it's time for you and your child to develop a deeper understanding of each other.
So How does it work?
The program takes you through 6 modules working through the 3 stages of Spiritually Aware Parenting:
Understanding and aligning to your own divine nature,
Understanding your child’s nature and then,
Parenting your child as a spiritual relationship.
The course offers you over eight hours of video lessons, each lasting no longer than 15 minutes and each lesson containing at least one simple practice or tool.
Each module also has a PDF Guidebook so you can have a reference for practices, exercises and even some activities you can practise along with your child.
Feel the relief by knowing the inner journey starts here and now, you don’t have to wait.
Dive into the material of Co- Parenting with the Universe today so you can align to the parent you came to be and empower your children to be true to themselves.
You get:
Over 550 minutes of material, split up in short video lessons over 6 modules.
You then also have PDF guides, exercises, as well as mp3 meditations to support you as you learn.

The Modules are:
1. Spiritual Self Care; creating the foundation
2. Negative Beliefs and Trauma; Releasing, Forgiving and transforming
3. Emotional Awareness and The Law of Attraction
4. Who They Really Are: understanding your children as they spiritual selves
5. The Human Stuff: Conscious parenting tools to deal with behaviour and other challenges.
6. Spiritually Aware Parenting: Passing on spirituality, mindset and mindfulness to your children so they can be spiritually aware.
Feel empowered by diving into a deeper parenting experience and getting results that will support your child’s constant growth and development their whole lives.

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Who is Christina and Why Should I trust her on my parenting journey? (Well I’m glad you asked that!)
I have been a spiritually aware parent coach for over 8 years as well as an author of 3 parenting books, starting with my breakthrough pregnancy book “Who They Really Are.”
But my greatest qualification is being a mom to three, whom I home educated for over 15 years.
Now in their late tweens and early twenties, the effects of spiritually aware parenting is really becoming obvious as I get to witness my children navigate adult situations with self awareness, empathy, and clarity. (They even have friends who comment on how well they know themselves!)
Having had 2 daughters only 10 months apart, I understand stress in parenting situations. Add times of homelessness and financial strain, then homesteading and loss, I had to rely on my knowledge in mindfulness, self development and spiritual connection to work through the triggers and imposed “Shoulds” that comes with the parenting territory.
It was an ever learning journey and I often wished I had resources to help with some shortcuts.
In 2009, I became pregnant with our son, and decided to fully embrace the spiritual parenting I had been leaning into. During an intense family crisis, when anxiety was at an all time high, I connected with my unborn son spiritually and we started to work together and trust each other. After his birth, I utilised my knowledge of quantum physics, energy healing and practical spirituality to deal with the challenges that came with a newborn and two homeschooling seven year olds. I then craved to have my children have a deeper understanding and started to take that knowledge and apply it to their education, developmenting simple exercises to explain inner work.
In 2016 I created my first course Spiritual Kids, focused on the tools I developed for my own children. I coached parents for 8 years, until 2022 when, with my children growing up, I decided to refocus my business on the spiritual work I feel most called to, re-establishing my business as Spiritually Aware Living.
Many of my clients are parents and conscious parent coaching still comes up in a session. However I wanted to provide a simple solution to pass on the tools that have served many parents I’ve worked with; therefore this course was made.
My husband, myself and our three grown children still live together, eat together and play together, in a house full of compassion, joy and support. It is my deepest desire to provide you with the tools to create your own deepest experience with your children.
Therefore, I hope to see you inside!

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