




If you are feeling like there’s a time bomb ticking and the pressure is building to pass on tools in 

to your children so they know how to navigate this chaotic world, however you barely know how to keep your cool first thing in the morning: 

You’ve found the right course.

The self-led program,Spiritual Kids is a practical toolbox in

  • games,
  • stories,
  • exercises,
  • and processes

you can use to organically pass on spiritual awareness to children as young as three and into their early teens.

Its unique approach is found in video lessons for you, the parent/carer, so you can learn the tools away from your children, and then let them bubble up to the surface when you feel it’s the right timing. You then have the PDF guides that can be printed and kept on hand so you know how to pass it on with confidence.


Spiritual Kids  is for every spiritually aware parent who wants to do better, to pass on tools for a happy life and inner awareness to their children, but are also feeling the strain of chaos and stress so don’t know where to start.

This is perfect for you if:

Children can read uncertainty from you a mile away.

They know if you don’t believe what you are teaching them.

Therefore, allowing yourself the time to process the information and then allow it to flow from you organically, means that you can suddenly share a craft that is about meditation, or tell a bedtime story about the law of attraction. Walks in nature will become about awareness and appreciation, rather than just exercise and when your child is upset you’ll have the tools to deep dive into what that feels like and looks like, rather than just trying to get them to stop crying.

Get ready to feel EMPOWERED and PREPARED for the parenting challenges with your children, so you can provide them with practical spiritual tools and new perspectives so they can be true to themselves.

You get:

6 modules which include a video lesson for you and PDFs and Mp3s containing processes, crafts, stories, games and practices for you and your children.

The modules are:

​ Invite Spirit to flow through your life as you tune into what you believe and the vocabulary that resonates with you.

With stories, poems, ancient mundra techniques and fun exercises, help your child discover Who They Really Are and get a sense of themselves that go much further than skin deep.

​ Anxiety, depression and low self confidence are often rooted in a lack of self knowledge. When we know Who We Really Are and what that connection feels like, we can start working our way back to that sense of self and authenticity when things are “off”. 

Using the symbolism of The Inner Room, offer your children a safe place to be.

With Mp3s for both your child and you, as well as stories, crafts and activities to spark an awareness of going within, introduce meditation to your children as a tool for them to connect to their inner truth and spiritual essence.

Emotions are the language our spirits often use to communicate to us.

When we build awareness of those emotions we can recognize our stress and off times and find ways to connect to Who We Really Are rather than react within the Offness. So too can our children. In this section we look at emotions, helping our children label and understand each and also help them find processes to find themselves in in the off times. Exercises like the Stepping Stone process allows them to find their way back to center, even when they feel far away from it. ​

Appreciation is a key tool in Spiritual Awareness. It brings us back to the moment and creates magic and connection within a day.

 In this module you’ll have worksheets and crafts to offer your children so they can explore what they appreciate and find ways of giving that feeling attention and energy so it grows within them.

Law of attraction

Children resonate with the law of attraction and setting out a good magnet for the universal power to attract to. It ends a “lack” perspective and stops whining in its tracks! 

When a child understands the law of attraction they have a greater sense of their role in getting what they want and feeling how they wish to feel. This module  uses poems and stories to let this concept become natural so that it can be applied to desires and even whiny days! 

In a time when children are coming to earth with a deeper sensitivity, it’s important you feel empowered with practical tools to pass on how to tap into that sensitivity and be true to the magical spiritual beings they are. (psst… and when you can provide them with tools to navigate their big emotions and inner worlds, their behaviour shifts as well. )

Enrol today for only $157 for lifetime access

Who is Christina and Why Should I trust her on my parenting journey?

I have been a spiritually aware parent coach for over 8 years as well as an author of 3 parenting books, starting with my breakthrough pregnancy book “Who They Really Are.” 

But my greatest qualification is being a mom to three, whom I home educated for over 15 years.

Now in their late tweens and early twenties, I still see them using the tools offered in this course to  navigate adult situations with self awareness, empathy, and clarity. (They even have friends who comment on how well they know themselves!)


I was raised in the church and when my girls were small I struggled with finding the words to pass on what I truly believed and what I wanted as the foundation to our home together. My voice would literally not show up when I went to pass on a moral to a story and discuss certain beliefs. 

I soon learnt I needed to clear up my own beliefs so I could speak up.

But even then, my daughters were the experts at blank stares.

I soon learnt that creating fun ways and examples of spiritual concepts were the only way to make the ideas click.

These processes soon became part of their home education curriculum and were later passed on to my own children. 

I created the program in 2016 and it has had rave reviews ever since.

Enrol today for only $157 for lifetime access

What people are saying about Spiritual Kids:

"I cannot find the words to describe my body's responses....pure sparkly delight! You have done an amazing job, Christina...the meditations warmed my heart and I believe that any parent who truly intends to lift the energy of their family to a highly vibration will be inspired by this course...You have brilliantly woven Abraham's teachings throughout the entire course.....my own vibration is raised, just reading through it. Go for it!!!!!"
Sandi Schwartz
author of Authentic Parenting and coach at Leading Edge Parenting
" I often find myself doubting if I have the tools to teach my daughter how to have the goodness of the spirit, without having the heaviness and doubt of fear. Christina’s class has been life changing in helping me overcome and unwind the connection between my fear and my faith. She has provided tools for me to personally release my fear and doubt as well as provided concrete and simple things I can do with my toddler to introduce the spirit to her as well. The simplicity and clarity in how Christina teaches complicated concepts makes it easy to have conversations even with my young daughter, but also provides a depth that I will be able to draw upon as my little one grows. With grace and gratitude, I am humbled by the experiences I have had in this class and would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to bring a deeper understanding of spirituality to themselves and their children.”
Suzzie Vehrs
A Course Participant and aromatherapist at www.moregigglingmoments.com

Check out a full review of Spiritual Kids here: THE COURSE THAT CHANGED MY PARENTING

Enrol today for only $157 for lifetime access