What if the secret to living your purpose isn’t about trying to find it, but unlocking the spiritual alignment that reveals it?

Get access to the 7-day detox that clears out the clutter so you can align to your deepest potential.

When you are out of alignment in your spiritual energetic world no matter how much the universe is lining up miracles you just can’t let them in.

This leaves you feeling stuck, heavy hearted and envious of everyone else, who seems to have the golden touch…

However, what if it’s not about luck, but rather just learning how to align to the energy flowing to you?

It doesn’t have to be hard.

“I’m always searching for meaning, but nothing feels like it fits or makes sense.”

I know, you are doing all the steps but something just isn’t clicking.

When you are out of alignment in your Spiritual Energetic World you:

  • Can feel isolated, from both the world and the Universe.
  • It’s easy to get jealous of other people’s manifestation and flow.
  • You can’t seem to hear your inner guidance, and if you try to follow your intuition, you end up down a rabbit hole.
  • It all feels hard. You want a purpose, a sense of hope, but life just drudges on. 

Well, the great news is that the Spiritual Energy Alignment course is going to take you through the processes of turning on that tap, plugging into that divine source and truly opening up to the magic of life,

all in a 7 day process you can put into place in 15-20 minutes each day.

The Spiritual  Energy Alignment course is for every spiritual seeker who is up with feeling like you keep having to push to make things work out for you and that you are on this journey alone.

 It’s time for you to feel that sparkle and bubbling sense of joy of alignment and the deep satisfaction knowing you are living your divine path.

This is perfect for you if you…

  • Feel like luck is never on your side.
  • Have problems going to sleep and then getting up in the morning.
  • Struggle with feeling heavy or depressed, even hopeless.
  • Can’t visualize outcomes or dream your ideal experience.
  • Wish you could feel guided or have a deeper intuition.
  • Feel like you aren’t living on purpose, that there has to be something more to this life.
A woman in a cozy sweater sitting indoors, covering her face with her hands in a gesture that might express stress, sadness, or fatigue, seeking a moment of alignment.

Once you are in alignment you will have access to a new state of flow.

You will:

  • Feel in flow and have a deeper intuition.
  • Life will be full of synchronicities and just line up perfectly.
  • Manifestations will flow in with ease.
  • You won’t feel alone, you will know the Universe is at your back.
  • Have a sense of deep wellbeing and joy as your purpose unfolds.

All in 7 days?

Yes! Get ready to simplify...

So how does it work?


The course is created to be worked through over a one week period. 


7 videos for 7 days.

Think of it as a detox program for alignment.

Each day’s video will lead you through a simple practice, perspective or exercise you can use to align your emotional energy.

The more aligned your energy becomes the more you will start to reprogram your neural pathways to become accustomed to a sense of alignment.

The course uses an understanding in neuroscience, as well as spirituality and energy work, so you will feel invigorated and inspired to take part in each new video feeling better and better as you work through each lesson.

But moving through unalignment and alignment is part of the human condition, so the course also serves as an alignment toolbox, which you can pull out at any time you feel low so you nudge yourself back into alignment of your whole self.

What’s included?

The course contains 7 video lessons that take you through alignment processes and practices to help you align your Spiritual energetic world. 

Learn how:

  • Understand spiritual alignment and actually feel how the universe has your back.
  • How to “clear your field” and what the spiritual energy field really is.
  • How to see Beauty as a universal language of spirit.
  • How to Plug into the Divine spiritual energy grid
  • The art of manifestation and how to play.
  • How to call in your angels, your guides or spiritual ancestors.

Feel empowered by knowing how to know the signs of being unaligned in your spiritual energy world and how to realign within moments of your day, so you don’t feel like a victim to life any more, but a conscious part of a system of wellbeing.

Develop the inner knowing that can take years of self work within a short 7-day course.

This program is yours for lifetime access for only $97.

Who is Christina, and why should I trust her on my spiritual journey?

(Great question, I’m so glad you asked!)

I’ve studied spirituality and mindfulness for almost 25 years and  I majored in Religious studies and philosophy in university, so I’ve worked through the processes, done the shadow work, recited the affirmations and read the self help aisle. 

But it wasn’t until a university professor told me to stop seeking for how to fit in but to embrace a life of a mystic, that I understood what spiritual energy alignment was really about.

It was after that when I started to listen, and trust, my spiritual team, I got to know my guides and then had validation of that trust when I met the man of my dreams after connecting to him spiritually for a year and then finding myself on a plane across the ocean, only to meet randomly at a class in Glastonbury.

I suddenly understood what syncronicity, manifestation, and miracles felt and looked like.

Only to get really busy with children and have to realign to it all over again.

Life is full of miracles and I’ve found that my happiest, most satisfying and joyful moments aren’t when I acheive a goal I’ve pushed for, but rather when I align to a path and let my spiritual connection create the experience. 

The greatest path is the one of flow, the one of magic and the one of light.

I love teaching flow and magical living to my clients, and witnessing their lives transform, as they navigate challenges with angels at their shoulders.

This is truly the key to turning problems into opportunities of alignment and challenges into  journeys of growth.

It’s time to create that sense of joy in your life!

I can’t wait to see you inside!