What if the secret to feeling safe isn’t controlling everything around you, but learning to align the energy of your physical world?

Discover how to feel steady, grounded and present in yourself with Christina’s 7 day program.

The world of today can easily leave you feeling anxious, on edge and defensive.

You just never know when the other shoe will drop, even when everything seems to be ok.

Physical energy gets unaligned when your nervous system is triggered, caused by being bogged down by stressful situations, sudden shocks or traumatic events.

But alignment doesn’t have to be far away. 

“I never feel fully grounded or safe, like I can’t trust the world or myself.”

It can feel like you are always trying to get a steady footing, but the ground just keeps slipping beneath you. The anxiety, the knots in your stomach and always being on alert are exhausting.

When you are out of alignment in your Physical Energetic World, you:

  • Have waves of anxiety hit out of nowhere.
  • React to even the smallest situation with a heightened sense of urgency.
  • Weigh up all the worst case scenarios to try to be prepared.
  • Struggle to relax, even when you want to.
  • Have issues digesting and often feel punched in the gut.
  • Can’t feel present in the moment, some part of you is always on alert.


Who wants to live on quick sand all the time, right?

Well, the great news is that the practices within the  Physical Energy Alignment course are going to lift you up and place you in a space of safety and rest, so you can feel grounded, present in your body and whole,

all in a 7 day process you can put into place in 15-20 minutes each day.

Get lifetime access for only $97.

The Physical Energy Alignment course is for every spiritually aware seeker, who is tired of feeling like you are continually in survival mode and reacting to life around you as if the next disaster is around the corner.

This is perfect for you if you…

  •  Live feeling bogged down by anxiety and nerves
  • Are always trying to prepare for the worst-case scenarios (even to cancel them out!) 
  • Have stomach issues or nervous habits
  • Jump to the defense when something points to your fault.
A woman sitting indoors, covering her had with her hands in a gesture that might express stress, sadness, or fatigue, seeking a moment of alignment.

Once you find alignment in your physical world you will:

  • Feel a natural sense of steadiness and ease.
  • Be present in body and mind, so you can act instead of re-act.
  • Have a wider perspective, releasing the fight or flight response to life.
  • Feel confident and whole in yourself, showing up authentically in all your decisions.

It’s true. Once your physical energy is aligned, your nervous system will regulate and you will feel grounded in your moment. It means you simply stop worrying about any shoes dropping because you will know the power of your now.

All in 7 days?

Yes! Get ready to simplify...

So how does it work?


The course is created to be worked through over a one week period. 


7 videos for 7 days.


Think of it as a detox program for alignment.

Each day’s video will lead you through a simple practice, perspective or exercise you can use to align your physical energy.

The more aligned your energy becomes the more you will start to reprogram your neural pathways to become accustomed to a sense of alignment.

The course uses an understanding in neuroscience, as well as spirituality and energy work, so you will feel invigorated and inspired to take part in each new video feeling better and better as you work through each lesson.

But moving through unalignment and alignment is part of the human condition, so the course also serves as an alignment toolbox, which you can pull out at any time fear comes knocking at your door (or butterflies start flying in your stomach) so you nudge yourself back into alignment of your whole self.

What’s included?

The course contains 8 video lessons that take you through alignment processes and practices to help you align your physical energetic world. 

Learn how:

  • Witness your nervous system and see if it’s triggered.
  • Use breath and focus to regulate and ground.
  • A Physical exercise practice that changes your entire energetic flow and grounds you. (Use each morning to feel present and aligned every day!) 
  • A meditation to align and ground.
  • How to actually hand things over to the Universe. (and feel the shift)
  • Using affirmations and stories to change how you see the world.

Feel empowered by knowing how to know the signs of being unaligned in your mental energy world and how to realign within moments of your day. 

Develop the inner knowing that can take years of self work within a short seven day course.

This program is yours for lifetime access for only $97.

Who is Christina, and why should I trust her on my spiritual journey?

(Great question, I’m so glad you asked!)

I’ve studied spirituality and mindfulness for almost 25 years and  I majored in Religious studies and philosophy in university, so I’ve worked through the processes, done the shadow work, recited the affirmations and read the self help aisle. 

But when my husband and I had 2 daughters in under 2 years and found ourselves homeless in the UK, things went from blissful to scary really fast.

Momentum started to build, with one thing not working upon another. Soon I felt like I was drowning in things just going wrong.

Everything was a struggle and I was terrified.

But slowly I started to remember that where attention goes, energy flows and the more I started to focus on creating stability (where on the surface it was actually hard to find any) the more I started to create an inner resilience that started to build momentum as well.

The peak indicator of this shift may have been from living in a tumble down, reno-job house, where we were freezing and making enough to just get by, to stepping off a plane in Spain. I literally danced in the airport!

Physical alignment is one of the first things I work through with a new client, because it creates a strong foundation for everything else. You can’t manifest from an unaligned nervous system and you can’t thrive if you are stuck trying to survive.

The shifts that flow in fast and steady when you realign your physical energy world delight and thrill me each time I witness it.

It’s time to create that sense of joy in your life!

I can’t wait to see you inside!